Warranty Plans

Protect Your Vehicle
For your peace of mind when purchasing a vehicle from us, we offer you the following options. We always stand behind our products and will only ever offer options to you from reputable companies and manufacturers that have a proven track record and who we believe in ourselves. On all our certified vehicles, we include a free 30 day, 100% mechanical warranty.
Extended Powertrain Warranty
FROM $899
Coverage includes:
- Engine
- Transmission & Rear End
- Turbo/Supercharger (Manufacturer installed and approved)
- Seals & Gaskets (within covered components)
- Parts and labour with $90 deductible (if repair is performed at Roger's Motors a $0 deductible will apply)
- $2,500 per claim, or optional $5,000 per claim
Top Up Warranty
FROM $949
Coverage includes:
- Air Conditioning components: compressor, compressor clutch, compressor bearing & pulley, air condenser, air evaporator
- Fuel Injection components: pressure regulators, lines & injectors.
- Steering components: gear housing, rack/pinion & pump.
- Brake components: master cylinder & reservoir, wheel cylinder, disc brake calipers, proportioning valves, assist boost, lines & fittings.
- Electrical components: alternator & voltage regulator, starter motor & solenoid, front wiper motors & pumps, front power seat motors.
- Hi-Tech components: Engine-mounted cruise control components, auto temp control & programmer dash display unit, main dash board digital display cluster, power door lock actuators & switches, power window motors & switches, power seat switches, power sunroof motor switch, fuel pump, ABS pressure regulator & pump, internal transmission/transfer case electronic engagement component & waste gate controller.
- Parts and labour with $90 deductible (if repair is performed at Roger's Motors a $0 deductible will apply)
- $2,500 per claim
Optima Pre-Owned Warranty
FROM $2549
Coverage includes:
- All components covered by the above Extended Powertrain Warranty and Top Up Warranty, as well as:
- Additional Parts: Timing chain/belt tensioner, axle shafts, drive shaft, CV joints, timing cover, mounts (motor transmission, transfer case, transaxle), gauge sending unit (oil pressure, temperature).
- XP Parts: Gauge sending unit (oil pressure, temperature), start (motor, solenoid), CV joints, alternator (voltage regulator), shaft (axle, drive).
- High Tech Parts: Cruse Control, power switches (lock, window, seat, sunroof), power motors (window, sun roof), ABS, fuel pump, auto temp (control, dash display), main digital cluster (dash display) lock actuators, internal trans./transfer case elec. Engagement components.
- $3,000 per claim, or optional $5,000 per claim